
Stonefire Authentic Flatbreads


Stonefire Authentic Flatbreads is the most popular flatbread brand in North America. Owned by FGF Brands, Stonefire made its way into grocery aisles in 2012 and continues to eat up market share as it works to become more influential in the bakery category.

In 2017, Stonefire upped the ante. They conducted a comprehensive market assessment, a visual identity update and was about to introduce new product packaging.

Missing from their approach was a digital strategy. So they reached out with a challenge:

"Build us a website and help us show our target market that naan is not just Indian food - it’s a better-tasting, more versatile bread choice."



We began by understanding as much as we could about Stonefire’s products, audience segmentations, and market. Next, we conducted an internal SEO audit of the current website and used that data to build an SEO strategy. Finally, we built a modern website aimed at making users hungry.

Stonefire Website 1.png

Our custom-designed WordPress theme integrated new logos, fonts, colours and subtle design features like animations, background videos, sleek open/close hover effects and an interactive product wheel located at the bottom of each product page.

But most importantly, it performed.


When launched, we saw growth immediately and with the addition of a blog in 2018, monthly pageviews now exceed 100,000 a month.

We continue to manage all of Stonefire's website updates and SEO - providing strategy, copywriting, and creative.